One of the fundamental pillars of Tawheed {faith} in Islam is TAwheed Al-asmaWa
l-Sifaat i.e, the belief in the Names and Attributes of Allah. It complememts believing that Allah is one with no partner or associate in His Lordship {Ruboobiyyah} Divinity {Uloohiyah}. Negating any of these makes a person a disbeliever
Allah is perfect in every sense and His Names ae most beautiful. This requires that He be described always with all perfect attributes which negate all their opposites in every sense . This perfect attribute of Allah is what stands Him out as the pure, holy, faultless One, Thus, the anthropomorphic conception of God is as negation His holiness
The Beautiful Name of Allah for Muslim Children is a collection of soul-inspiring poem filled with moral and belief teachings for Muslim kids. It is carefully written too familiarize your child with the name of Allah and their significance in the light of the Qu`ran and Sunnah of Muhammad
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